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System Source Seminar at Top Golf – Securing Office 365 Email
Tuesday, March 07, 2023 | 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Top Golf Baltimore
1411 Warner St.
Baltimore, MD


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New to System Source?

Learn how to protect your organization from rampant $ losses from security breaches.

System Source & Barracuda invite you to a free seminar on “Securing Office 365 Email” at Top Golf in Baltimore for those responsible for IT and staff.

This event is designed for everyone…not just golfers!

Starting with the seminar by a Barracuda Solutions Architect, you’ll learn:

  • Why criminals attack via email (hint…because it works!)
  • Preventing, detecting & stopping email attacks using automated tools
  • Preventing phishing, conversation hijacking, domain fraud & account takeover
  • Building multi-layer protection from 13 email threat types
  • How Barracuda detects and stops threats traditional email security can’t

Following the seminar (or feel free to leave…), you’ll enjoy:

  • Private suite with delicious food & drinks and free parking
  • Networking with other IT professionals
  • Beautiful Top Golf driving range
  • Golf clubs provided or bring your own

This event is Tuesday, March 7th from 3-6 pm.