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Splunk Cloud Administration (SP-SCA)
COST: $2000

04/30/24 | 10:00am - 2:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led
05/01/24 | 10:00am - 2:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led
05/02/24 | 10:00am - 2:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led
05/03/24 | 10:00am - 2:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led


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 (Zip code must match the cardholder billing address)  
First Name          Last Name
Organization* (Please use your name if no Organization)


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Card Number

Month   Year          Verification Code
-or- Pay By PO

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This 4-day (18 hour) hands-on course prepares new Splunk administrators to manage users and get data in Splunk Cloud. Topics include data inputs and forwarder configuration, data management, user accounts, and basic monitoring and problem isolation. The course provides administrators with the skills, knowledge and best practices for data management and system configuration for data collection and ingestion in a Splunk Cloud environment to maintain a productive Splunk SaaS deployment.

**Should not be taken in conjunction with the Transitioning to Splunk Cloud course.**

Please note that classes may run across four days, consisting of 4.5 hour sessions each day.