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Microsoft Power Apps: Building Low-Code Business Apps
COST: $500

02/15/24 | 9:00am - 4:00pm Virtual Instructor-Led


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Creating custom applications for specific business processes has evolved from an emerging trend to a standard practice in many organizations. In the past, if employees had an idea for automating or streamlining a business process, they often had to request that IT resources build the application. Today, it is much more common for employees themselves to become what is sometimes called "citizen developers," who are people with business knowledge who can use app-building tools to create custom business apps. This course introduces building low-code/no-code apps with Microsoft® Power Apps®.


Most out-of-the-box solutions do not meet exact business needs or integrate well with existing business apps. Power Apps eases users into app development with templates, automated app-building tools, and a streamlined programming language to enable any business user to create a custom app.