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Developing Requirements with Use Cases
COST: $1295

03/22/23 | 12:00pm - 4:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led
03/23/23 | 12:00pm - 4:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led
03/24/23 | 12:00pm - 4:30pm Virtual-Instructor Led


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This two-day advanced course will build on your existing knowledge of the use case approach to give you hands-on experience with the latest proven techniques for developing use cases, discovering other types of requirements, and documenting them expertly. Lively lectures combined with insightful demonstrations and realistic practice exercises will equip you with the capability and confidence to improve your project outcomes through better requirements and use case development.

You’ll gain a thorough understanding of common requirements and use case pitfalls and challenges, practical approaches for discovering and writing use cases and requirements, and strategies for applying the use case methodology throughout the project life cycle in your organization. If you already know the basics of use cases and you play a role in defining project scope, capturing requirements, or consuming them as a developer, tester, or technical business user, you can’t afford to miss this course.