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Acrobat Section 508 Accessibility Boot Camp
COST: $1590

09/18/23 | 8:30am - 3:00pm TB Virtual Instructor-Led
09/19/23 | 8:30am - 3:00pm TB Virtual Instructor-Led
09/20/23 | 8:30am - 3:00pm TB Virtual Instructor-Led
09/21/23 | 8:30am - 3:00pm TB Virtual Instructor-Led


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In this four-day, hands-on Adobe Acrobat Section 508 Accessibility BootCamp Training Course (a combination of the 2-Day Introduction & 2-Day Advanced courses), you become familiar and come into compliance with the federal governments ADA Section 508 accessibility regulations. The course will cover basic to advanced software features that are designed to help you meet those requirements.

This material is applicable to all recent versions of Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Students are expected to be familiar with Acrobat Pro already, as no time is allotted to review any basics of the applications.