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Microsoft Copilot: AI for Everyone

SS Course: 3000725

Course Overview

This 2-hour hands-on course will teach you to use Copilot, a conversational AI system based on GPT-4, to generate text and image prompts for various tasks for a variety of personal and professional needs. You will learn a brief history of AI, how to interact with Copilot using prompting, how to format your queries and responses, how to control the tone and style of the generated text and images, and how to evaluate the quality and relevance of the prompts. You will also learn how to use Copilot for various business uses, personal projects, and data and text summarization. This class includes a mixture of lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on activities.                                                                  

Scheduled Classes

09/17/24 - HA2 - Virtual Instructor-Led - Virtual Instructor-Led (click to enroll)
11/19/24 - HA2 - Virtual Instructor-Led - Virtual Instructor-Led (click to enroll)

What You'll Learn

  • Define Microsoft Copilot and compare other AI Tools.
  • Access Microsoft Copilot.
  • Learn to design prompts for the best results.
  • Outline

    Viewing outline for:
    1. Defining Microsoft Copilot and comparing Microsoft Copilot, ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot.
      1. Cost and feature comparison.
      2. Eligibility
      3. Where to use Microsoft Copilot.


    1. Explore Microsoft Copilot interface.
      1. Access and discover Copilot screen.
      2. Modify voice settings.
      3. Customize user interface.


    1. Learn to design prompts for the most complete responses.
      1. Write emails.
      2. Create a quick presentation.
      3. Create a meeting agenda.
      4. Create a job description.


    1. Create your own prompt.
      1. Give Chat Bing Enterprise a persona.
      2. Ask Microsoft Copilot to explain a concept as though a 5-year-old, 10-year-old 15-year-old.



      Who Should Attend

      This course is for anyone who wishes to utilize AI to increase productivity and enhance skills.

      Next Step Courses
