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Word Outlines: Bits & Bytes

SS Course: 3000714

Course Overview

Outline View helps you manage a document's structure and headings without getting lost in the text. In Outline View, you use Outline Tools to move and edit headings, change heading levels, and move text around. You can also control how much detail you see.                                                                  

Scheduled Classes

09/09/24 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)
12/09/24 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)

What You'll Learn

You'll learn trick's to efficiently and effectively use Outline View to organize your text.


Viewing outline for:
  • Outline View
  • Creating an Outline in Word
  • Using Heading Styes
  • Apply Outline Numbering and Lettering
  • Editing Outlines
  • Moving Paragraphs within the Outline
  • Placing Outlines in PowerPoint to Create a Slide Show
  • Prerequisites

    Basic Word skills.

      Who Should Attend

      Anyone creating or editing Word Documents, especially long documents.

      Next Step Courses
