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Teams - Creating Teams, Channels & Tabs: Bits & Bytes

SS Course: 3000553

Course Overview


During this one-hour live webinar session, our top-rated instructor will demonstrate configuring Teams, Channels and Tabs. Students are encouraged to ask questions in the chat window at any time during the demonstration.

This is a demonstration style webinar and Q&A Session only, no software/files required.


Scheduled Classes

09/24/24 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)
12/02/24 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)

What You'll Learn


During this live demonstration you will learn to:

  • Overview of Teams
  • Configure Teams
  • Manage Members
  • Configure Channels
  • Configure Tabs


Viewing outline for:
  • Microsoft Teams Overview
    • Online/Web Application
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Governance
  • What is a Microsoft Team?
    • Different ways of organizing
      • Organization chart
      • Project
      • Cross functional
    • Team Management
      • Team creation
        • Public/private
      • Team Configuration Defaults
      • Managing Members
        • Adding/ Removing
          • Team Access
        • Team Roles
          • Owner
          • Member
          • Guest
        • Team Settings
      • Creating Channels
        • What is a Channel?
        • Default Channels
          • General
        • Creating channels
          • Channel Configuration
          • Sharing Options
          • Channel workflow
        • Creating Tabs
          • What is a tab
          • Default Channel tabs
            • Posts
            • Files
            • wiki
          • Adding Tabs
            • Files
            • Applications
            • Websites
            • Custom Tabs



    Who Should Attend


    This webinar is intended for business users and knowledge workers in a variety of roles and fields who now will be working in a more collaborative fashion, taking advantage of the tools MS Teams makes available.

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