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Excel Intermediate Part 1: Bits & Bytes

SS Course: 3000499

Course Overview


During this one-hour live webinar session, our top-rated instructor will demonstrate intermediate Excel tasks. Students are encouraged to ask questions in the chat window at any time during the demonstration.

This is a demonstration style webinar and Q&A Session only, no software/files required.


Scheduled Classes

08/22/24 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)
11/18/24 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)

What You'll Learn


During this live demonstration you will learn to:

  • Arrange Multiple Files
  • Use Freeze Panes
  • Utilize additional printing options
  • Comment
  • Create Absolute Cell References
  • Outline

    Viewing outline for:
    • Arranging multiple files
      • Side by side view
      • Stacked view
    • Using Freeze panes
      • Freezing columns
      • Freezing rows
      • Freezing columns & rows
    • Utilizing printing options
      • Print titles
      • Page Break Preview
    • Commenting on spreadsheets
      • Adding comments
      • Editing comments
    • Creating Absolute Cell References
      • Within current sheet
      • Within current workbook




      Who Should Attend


      Students familiar with Excel, who wish to enhance their skills.

      Next Step Courses


      Other Bits & Bytes sessions and Microsoft Office courses.