Course Overview
Our Adobe Audition training course provides you with the tools to shape sound the way you want, and the workflows to deliver your projects quickly and efficiently. Adobe Audition is a cross-platform audio editor that speeds up production for video, radio, music, games, and more, thanks to uncompromising sound quality and intuitive workflows.
Scheduled Classes
TOPWhat You'll Learn
TOPOur Adobe Audition training course provides you with the tools to shape sound the way you want, and the workflows to deliver your projects quickly and efficiently. Adobe Audition is a cross-platform audio editor that speeds up production for video, radio, music, games, and more, thanks to uncompromising sound quality and intuitive workflows.
TOP1. Set Up Adobe Audition
Audio interface basics
Windows audio setup
Testing inputs
Using external interfaces
Keyboard shortcuts
2. The Audition Interface
Two applications in one
Audition workspaces
Explore the interface
3. Waveform Editing
Open a file
Video files
Select regions
Cut, Copy, and Paste
Use multiple clipboards
Mix paste
Create a loop
Showing waveform data under the cursor
Add fades
4. Effects
Effects basics
Using the Effects Rack
Effect categories
Amplitude and Compression effects
Delay and echo effects
Filter and EQ effects
Modulation effects
Noise reduction/restoration
Reverb effects
Special effects
Stereo imagery effects
Time and Pitch effects
Third-party effects (VST and AU)
Using the Effects menu
Presets and favorites
5. Audio Restoration
Reducing hiss
Reducing crackles
Reducing pops and clicks
Reducing broadband noise
De-humming a file
Removing artifacts
Manual sound removal
The Spot Healing brush
Automated sound removal
6. Mastering
Mastering basics
Stereo imaging
Push the drum hits; then apply the changes
Mastering diagnostics
7. Sound Design
Generate noise, speech, and tones
Creating rain sounds
Creating a babbling brook
Creating insects at night
Creating an alien choir
Creating sci-fi machine effects
Creating an alien drone flyby
Extracting frequency bands
8. Creating and Recording Files
Recording into the Waveform Editor
Recording into the Multitrack Editor
Checking remaining free space
Dragging into an Audition editor
Importing tracks as individual files from an audio CD
9. Multitrack Sessions
Create a multitrack session
Multitrack session templates
Multitrack and Waveform Editor integration
Changing track colors
The Tracks panel
Loop selections for playback
Track controls
Channel mapping in the Multitrack Editor
The Multitrack Editor Effects Rack
10. Multitrack Session Editing
Create a mixtape
Mixing or exporting a collection of clips as a single file
Merge clips into a single file
Editing clip length
Clip edits: Split, Trim, Volume
Extend a clip via looping
11. Automation
Clip automation
Track automation
12. Video Soundtracks
Multitrack session video
Audition integration with Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Automatic Speech Alignment
13. The Essential Sound Panel
Automating tasks
Assigning audio types
Essential Sound panel presets
14. The Multitrack Mixer
Audio Mixer basics
15. Creating Music with Sound Libraries
Download Adobe sound effects
Building a rhythm track
Adding more percussion
Adding melodic elements
Using loops with different pitch and tempo
Adding effects
16. Recording and Output in the Multitrack Editor
Getting ready to record a track
Setting up the metronome
File management
Recording a part in a track
Recording an additional part (overdub)
Punching over a mistake
Composite recording
Exporting a stereo mix of the song
Exporting with Adobe Media Encoder
17. Mixing
Testing your acoustics
The mixing process
Disclaimer: All course objectives and outlines are used as a guideline and are subject to change to ensure the latest information is covered to support real world use of the technology.
TOPStudents must have a good working knowledge of computers, operating systems, using a mouse, keyboard, standard menus and commands. Students must be able to open, save, and close applications and files, as well as navigate to other folders.
Who Should Attend
TOP- Music Producers
- E-Learning Developers
- Video Editors
- Audio Editors
Next Step Courses
TOP- After Effects Intro
- After Effects Advanced
- Premiere Pro Intro
- Premiere Pro Advanced
- Premiere Pro ACA Training & Certification Pack
- DaVinci Resolve 15 Certification Training Boot Camp
- Storytelling & Script Writing for Video Production
- Video Production Lighting Techniques
- Audio Recording Fundamentals