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Advanced C++ Programming | Modern C++

SS Course: 2001628

Course Overview


Advanced C++ Programming (Modern Advanced C++) is a lab-intensive, hands-on C++ training course geared for experienced C++ programmers who wish to take their development skills to the next level.  Students will leave this course armed with the required skills to put advanced C++ programming skills right to work in a practical environment, using sound coding techniques and best practices.

This comprehensive course consists of three modules. A preliminary module reviews topics, including inheritance, the ANSI C++ Standard Library, templates. I/O streams, and practical issues of C++ programming, such as reliability & testing. This material is covered as needed depending on the background of the students.

The second module covers more advanced topics.  Unit testing, advanced inheritance & polymorphism are discussed.  Memory management along with move constructors and RAII are explored.  Templates and generic programming are explored including lambda expressions and functors.  The third module is a deep dive into  the Standard C++ Library.  Containers, Algorithms, Threads and much more. Throughout the course, new features of modern C++ (version 11 and beyond) are introduced as well as the impact on programming style.  These new features include smart pointers, move constructors, functional programming and lambda expressions.


Scheduled Classes

10/09/24 - TTV - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led (click to enroll)
12/11/24 - TTV - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led (click to enroll)

What You'll Learn


This “skills-centric” course is about 50% hands-on lab and 50% lecture, designed to train attendees in basic coding with C++, coupling the most current, effective techniques with the soundest industry practices. Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will explore:

  • Modern C++
  • Generic Programming
  • Memory Management
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Exception Handling
  • Operator Overloading
  • Unit Testing in C++
  • Functional Programming
  • Runtime Type Information
  • STL Containers
  • STL Iterators
  • Threads & Tasks


Viewing outline for:
  1. Modern C++
  • New keywords in C++ 11,14,17
  • RAII - Modern memory management in C++ - overview
  • Copy vs Move semantics
  • Namespaces
  1. Generic Programming
  • General Purpose Functions
  • Function Templates
  • Template Parameters
  • Template Parameter Conversion
  • Function Template Problem
  • Generic Programming
  • General Purpose Classes
  • Class Templates
  • Class Template Instantiation
  • Non-Type Parameter
  • C++ Containers overview
  • Variadic Templates
  1. Memory Management
  • The handle/body (Bridge) pattern
  • Using strings effectively
  • Smart Pointers
  • Move constructor in depth
  • Other features
  1. Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Base Class Initializer List
  • Composition
  • Member Initialization List
  • Order of Initialization
  • Inheritance vs. Composition
  • Interfaces
  • Polymorphism
  • Chaining Constructors
  • Inheriting Constructors
  1. Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling
  • try and catch
  • Exception Flow of Control
  • Context and Stack Unwinding
  • Handling Exceptions in best Context
  • Benefits of Exception Handling
  • Unhandled Exceptions
  • Clean Up
  • Multiple Catch Handlers
  1. Operator Overloading
  • What is overloadable?
  • Why overload operators?
  • Functors
  1. Unit Testing in C++
  • Unit testing – Quick Overview
  • Unit testing in C++
  • Introduction
  1. Functional Programming
  • Overview
  • The IoC pattern
  • Dependency Injection
  • Functions as objects
  • IoC via interface
  • Functors
  • IoC with Functors
  • Implementing Functors
  • Function Pointers
  • IoC with Function Pointers
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Lambda Syntax
  • IoC with Lambdas
  1. Runtime Type Information
  • Runtime Type and Polymorphism
  • type_info Class
  • typeid Operator
  • Compiler Options
  • Safe Pointer Conversions
  • Dynamic Cast
  • New C++ Style Casts
  • Static Cast
  • Reinterpret Cast
  • Const Cast
  1. STL Containers
  • Vectors
  • Vector.cpp
  • Vector Operations
  • Typedefs
  • Deques
  • deque as Stack
  • deque Functionality
  • Lists
  • Generic Programming
  • Tradeoff with Lists
  • List Memory Allocation
  • list Functionality
  • Associate Containers
  • Sets
  • Sets with User Defined Objects
  • Multisets (Bags)
  • Maps
  • Multimaps
  • Functional Programming with Containers
  1. STL Iterators
  • Pointers
  • Template Version
  • String Version
  • A Generalization of Pointers
  • STL Iterators
  • Input Iterators
  • Output Iterators
  • Forward Iterators
  • Bidirectional Iterators
  • Random Access Iterators
  1. Threads & Tasks
  • Overview Threads
  • Starting Threads
  • Managing threads
  • Overview of Tasks
  • Tasks
  • async



Incoming students should have practical skills equivalent to the topics in, or should have recently attended, one of these courses as a pre-reqsuite:

  • Introduction to C++ Programming

    Who Should Attend


    This is an intermediate and beyond level development course designed for developers with prior C++ programming experience.  Students without prior C++ programming background should take the pre-requisite training.

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