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Access Creating Tables and Setting Properties: Bits & Bytes

SS Course: 1000179

Course Overview


During this one-hour live webinar session, our top-rated instructor will demonstrate building tables using the wizard and the design view. Students will discover the importance of field properties and data types. Students are encouraged to ask questions in the chat window at any time during the demonstration.

This is a demonstration style webinar and Q&A Session only, no software/files required.


Scheduled Classes


What You'll Learn


During this live demonstration you will learn to:

  • Set data types
  • Create lookup lists
  • Input masks


Viewing outline for:
  • Setting data types
    • Adding fields and customizing the data types
    • Setting field properties
  • Creating lookup lists
    • Setting up look up lists using the lookup wizard
    • Customizing the lookup list
  • Input masks
    • Input mask wizard
    • Manually customizing the input mask property.



    Who Should Attend


    Students looking for a quick discussion on starting their access database with tables and customizing those tables with common tools.

    Next Step Courses


    Other Bits & Bytes sessions and Microsoft Office courses.