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Word Using Word Forms to Manage Content: Bits & Bytes

SS Course: 1000146

Course Overview


In your work, you may need to collect the same type of information repeatedly from coworkers or customers. Forms are a familiar and standard way of gathering the data in a consistent manner. After you complete this course, you'll be able to use Word's forms feature to consistently capture and collect the information you need.

This is a demonstration style webinar and Q&A Session only, no software/files required.


Scheduled Classes

01/07/25 - VIR - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A - Live Virtual Demo w/ Q&A (click to enroll)

What You'll Learn


During this live demonstration, you will learn to:

  • Create forms
  • Modify forms


Viewing outline for:

Using Forms to Manage Content

Topic A: Create Forms

- Forms

- Plan a Form

- Form Fields

- The Controls Group

- Content Controls

- Design Mode

- Legacy Tools

- Form Fields

- Form Field Options

- How to Work with Content Controls

- How to Add Legacy Form Fields to a Document

- Using the Controls Group

- Form Protection

- How to Protect a Form

- How to Remove Password Protection from a Locked Form

- Locking and Saving a Form


Topic B: Modify Forms

- Content Control Title Tab

- Extracting Data from Forms

- How to Remove Form Fields and Content Controls

- Removing Controls from a Form




    Who Should Attend


    This course is intended for students who are experienced Word users and who want to use advanced capabilities in Word.

    Next Step Courses


    Other Bits & Bytes sessions and Microsoft Office courses.