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Advanced Tableau

SS Course: GK8500

Course Overview


This course is a deep dive into data analytics using Tableau. You ll explore data visualization with Tableau from basics to advanced. It also includes data organization and scripting, visualization, working with time dimensions, incremental loading and blending, and integrating Tableau with R and Hadoop.


Scheduled Classes




Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau

  • Why Data Visualization is needed.
  • Making sense out of numbers
  • Uses of Tableau
  • Installation
  • Architecture
  • Features of Tableau

Basic Visualization Design

  • Connect to the databases and make basic charts and graphs.
  • Exporting Data
  • Connecting Sheets
  • Loading into Tableau visualization engine
  • Basic visualizations: Text Tables, Bar, Line, and Pie Charts
  • Basic maps: interpreting the same

Visualizations Deep Dive

  • Make Advance Charts and Graphs.
  • Highlight Tables
  • Heat Maps, Circle Plots, Side by Side Bars, Continues Lines, Scatter Plots, Dual Charts, Area Charts, and Tree Maps

Data Organization and Scripting

  • Learn scripting functionality and organizing data for effective results.
  • Calculated Metrics
  • Sorting and Filtering
  • Totals and Sub Totals
  • Various Aggregated Measures and Percentages
  • Data Spotlighting and Summary Card
  • Date and time functions, String Functions, and Logical Functions
  • Data Items
  • Data behind your views
  • Hierarchies, Sets, Groups, and Bins

The World is Your Visualization

  • Learn about more advanced visualizations for various analytical requirements.
  • Dual Charts, Dual Axis, Combination Charts, and Gantt Charts
  • Motion Charts, Box, and Whisker Plots
  • Reference Lines and Reference Bands
  • Pareto Analysis
  • Water Fall Charts
  • Market Basket Analysis

Playing with Time Dimension

  • Create Time based calculations.
  • Quick Table Calculations, Custom Table Calculations, and YTD
  • Parallel Period, Moving Averages, Running totals, Window Averages, Trend Lines, and Predictive Models

What is Your Location?

  • Location analytics capabilities to put geographic And other spatial context to your analysis.
  • Filled Maps and Symbol Maps
  • Geo Coding
  • Online Maps
  • Sorting in Maps
  • Background Maps

Incremental Loading and Blending

  • Blend and arrange your data from multiple source systems for effective analysis.
  • Data Blending from multiple source systems
  • Custom SQL Queries
  • Creating Incremental Loads
  • Creating File Extractions
  • Parameters

Integrating Tableau with R and Hadoop

  • Integration of Tableau with R and Hadoop, Statistical Analytics, and social media analytics.
  • Connect to Hadoop Systems from Tableau
  • Integrating Tableau with R
  • Connecting to R Server Parameterized R calls
  • Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation
  • Forecasting Models

Case Study Optional
Sharing Insights with Enterprise Dashboards: Work in a real time environment for Tableau Projects. One mini project will be provided. Understand the requirement and create dashboards, storyboards, and deploy your dashboards for the project.



    You should have a data analysis background and be an experienced Tableau user.

      Who Should Attend


      Experienced Tableau users.