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Software Asset Management (SAM) Fundamentals

SS Course: GK821291

Course Overview


This three-day training course aims to introduce you to the ServiceNow Software Asset Management Professional product and familiarize you with techniques and best practices for creating and managing software assets throughout their lifecycle. The session format will alternate between discussions and labs giving you an opportunity to explore the application and apply the concepts learned.

Software Asset Management (SAM) is a company's strategy for managing software license use rights to maintain software compliance to publisher contractual obligations. The Software Asset Management Professional product facilitates the tracking, evaluation, and management of software license rights, compliance, and optimization.

The Software Asset Management Professional product facilitates the tracking, evaluation, and management of software license rights, compliance, and optimization.
Working in conjunction with other ServiceNow platform products, software license rights can be requested, procured, managed to software contracts, allocated to users or devices, and reclaimed. Software installations can be discovered, normalized, and reconciled to software products, models, entitlements and allocations to quickly identify the software license position.


Scheduled Classes

07/29/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
08/06/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
08/19/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
09/04/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
09/18/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
09/25/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led


  • Module 1: Introduction to Software Asset Management


  • Explain Software Asset Management and its supporting process architecture
  • Identify the plugins and roles that support Software Asset Management on the ServiceNow
  • platform
  • Describe ServiceNow s Software Asset Management product


  • Software Asset Management Introduction
  • Software Asset Management Process Architecture
  • Software Asset Management Application Overview
  • Software Asset Management Requirement Recommended Practices
  • Lab 1.1: Prepare the SAM environment

Module 2: Trustworthy Data


  • Describe data used to support Software Asset Management in ServiceNow
  • Demonstrate software data import options
  • Explain software discovery and normalization


  • Introduction to Software Asset Data
  • Import Software Entitlements
  • Lab 2.1: Import software entitlement data
  • Import Software Data Using System Import Sets
  • Lab 2.2: Import software installation data
  • Software Discovery
  • Lab 2.3: Review software discovery results
  • Software Discovery Model Normalization
  • Lab 2.4: Normalize software discovery models
  • Content Service and Job Results
  • Lab 2.5: Content Service and job results

Module 3: Practical Management


  • Demonstrate the components of software products, models, entitlements, and allocations
  • Describe software license metrics and their value to software entitlements
  • Illustrate knowledge of software reconciliation and associated results
  • Agenda:

Software License Management Introduction

  • Software Products and Models
  • Lab 3.1: Manage software products and models
  • Software License Metrics
  • Software Entitlements
  • Software Allocations
  • Lab 3.2: Manage software entitlements and allocations
  • Software Reconciliation
  • Lab 3.3: Reconcile software

Module 4: Operational Integration


  • Describe software license contracts and their relationship to software entitlements
  • Use catalogs, procurement and change management to support Software Asset Management
  • Demonstrate software remediation


  • Operational Integration Introduction
  • Software License Contracts
  • Lab 4.1: Create software license contract
  • Software Spend
  • Lab 4.2 Analyze software spend
  • License Change Projection
  • Lab 4.3: Calculate license change projection costs
  • Software Request
  • Lab 4.4: Publish and request software
  • Software Sourcing
  • Lab 4.5: Source and receive a software request
  • Software Remediation
  • Lab 4.6: Remediate software licensing

Module 5: Strategic Conformance


  • Discuss software model lifecycle capabilities
  • Describe optimization of software installations
  • Explain software asset management retirement and expiration activities


  • Software Model Lifecycle
  • Lab 5.1: Manage software model lifecycles
  • Software Installation Optimization
  • Lab 5.2: Optimize software installations
  • Software Retirement
  • Lab 5.3: Manage software retirement

Module 6: Reporting and Analytics


  • Explain Performance Analytics for Software Asset Management
  • Discuss the differences between analytics and reporting
  • Describe Software Asset Management dashboards and content


  • Software Asset Analytics Dashboards
  • Software Asset Management Publisher Dashboards
  • Software Asset Management Subscription Dashboards
  • Software Asset Management Other Dashboards



      Who Should Attend


      The ServiceNow Software Asset Management course is for customers, partners, and employees who implement and administer features, functions, and data associated with software assets. An attendee is a good fit for this course if they perform or advise on any of the following roles or job responsibilities:

      • ServiceNow Implementer
      • ServiceNow System Administrator
      • Software Asset Manager