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Tableau Desktop Fundamentals

SS Course: GK6476

Course Overview


This course is designed to help you understand and apply important Tableau concepts and techniques to move from simple to complex visualizations. You will also learn how to combine them in interactive dashboards.


Scheduled Classes





  • Tableau Desktop and the Tableau Product Line
  • Application Terminology
  • Visual Cues for Fields
  • Getting Started in Tableau Desktop
  • Elements of a Visualization

Connecting to Data

  • Creating a Live Data Connection
  • Saving and Editing a Data Source
  • Metadata Grid
  • Understanding Changes to Data
  • Data Connection Options
  • Sharing Options

Simplifying and Sorting Your Data

  • Data Filtering
  • Creating Date Filters
  • Sorting

Organizing your Data

  • Using Groups
  • Creating and Using Hierarchies

Slicing your Data by Date

  • Working with Dates in Tableau
  • Using Discrete Date Parts
  • Defining a Fiscal Year
  • Creating Custom Dates

Using Multiple Measures in a View

  • Using Measure Values and Measure Names in a View
  • Combo Charts
  • Combined or Shared Axis Charts
  • Creating Dual Axis Charts

Showing the Relationship between Numerical Values

  • Creating Scatter Plots
  • Using Sets

Mapping Data Geographically

  • Mapping in Tableau
  • Geographic Mapping
  • Background Maps and Layers
  • Navigation and Selection in Maps

Viewing Specific Values

  • Creating Heat Maps
  • Creating Crosstabs
  • Creating Highlight Tables
  • Grand Totals, Sub-Totals, and Changing Aggregation

Customizing your Data

  • Calculation Types
  • Parts of a Calculated Field
  • Options for Creating Calculated Fields
  • Strings, Dates, and Type Conversion Functions
  • Calculations and Aggregations

Analyzing Data with Quick Table Calculations

  • Using Quick Table Calculations

Showing Breakdowns of the Whole

  • Pie Charts and Parts of the Whole
  • Creating Tree Maps

Viewing Distributions

  • Bins and Histograms
  • Box and Whisker Plots

Highlighting Data with Reference Lines

  • Using Reference Lines
  • Reference Bands
  • Using the Analytics Pane
  • Instant Analytics

Making Your Views Available

  • Building Dashboards
  • Dashboard Actions



      Who Should Attend


      New Tableau users and those seeking a formal introduction to Tableau.