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Tableau Server Administration

SS Course: GK6376

Course Overview


This course provides in-depth coverage of Tableau Server administration. You ll learn how to install, administer, and manage your Tableau Server.


Scheduled Classes




Tableau Server Overview

  • Tableau Product Line
  • End-User Abilities

Tableau Server Architecture

  • Component Functions
  • Server Diagrams

Single Server Installation

  • Technical Specifications
  • Tableau Server Installation Checklist
  • Configuration Options
  • Resolutions for Common Installation Issues
  • Installing Tableau Server Software

User Experience

  • Content Navigation, Searching, and Filtering
  • Exploring Server Content Types and Objects
  • Updating Account Settings
  • Setting the Start Page
  • Viewing Version Information
  • Renaming a Project
  • Adding a Workbook Description

Authorization and Permissions

  • Administrator Settings
  • Authorization Overview
  • Functional Security Model
  • Site Roles
  • Content Ownership and Permissions
  • Permission Rules and Capabilities
  • Permissions and the Default Project
  • Creating Projects, Local Groups, and a Local User
  • Importing Users and Adding Users to Groups
  • Granting Permissions to Projects
  • Creating a Project Leader
  • Publishing and Changing Ownership of a Workbook
  • Moving a Workbook
  • Site Administration

Data Sources, Extracts, Schedules, and Subscriptions

  • Creating, Publishing, and Connecting to a Data Source
  • Data Engine and File Store
  • Creating and Publishing Extracts
  • Backgrounder
  • Schedules
  • Subscriptions
  • Enabling Subscriptions and Alerts

Automating Server Tasks

  • Automating and Programming Server Tasks
  • Tabadmin
  • Tabcmd
  • Using the REST API

Monitoring Server

  • Viewing Server Status
  • Admin Alerts
  • Viewing Email Alerts and Admin Views
  • Enabling Access to the Repository
  • Custom Admin Views
  • Licensing Information
  • Performance Recording

Upgrading Tableau Server

  • Preparing to Upgrade
  • Upgrading Software on the Same Machine
  • Modifying the Authentication Method
  • Importing AD Groups

Log Files Administration

  • Overview of Log Files
  • Archiving Log Files

Data Security

  • Controlling What Users Can See
  • User Filters



      Who Should Attend

