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Introduction to DevOps

SS Course: GK5322

Course Overview


Learn how DevOps has brought together years of the most effective and proven practices from development and operations (Agile, Lean, and more) and aligned them around common characteristics: value, cross-functional collaboration, agility, and strong teams. DevOps is really the marrying of process, infrastructure, and product. Take this DevOps training course to learn how to bring these groups together to optimize, re-think, and re-engineer your processes.

We ll take a look at establishing a common definition of DevOps and understand why DevOps is so important. Through case studies, we ll see that high performing organizations are using DevOps as a competitive advantage. Don t be left behind! In addition, this class will teach the keys to foster a culture for successful DevOps implementations and give you a roadmap to get started. Finally, this class will help you understand the tools necessary to automate your processes for maximum efficiency. We ll put all the pieces of the puzzle together for you.


Scheduled Classes

08/23/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
09/20/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
10/18/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
11/08/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
12/09/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led



Part 1: Introduction

  • DevOps Defined
  • High-Performance IT Organizations
  • Core Chronic Conflict
  • Exercise: Pain Points
  • Business Value of DevOps
  • Where DevOps Came From
    • W Edwards Deming and Total Quality Management
    • The Lean Movement and Toyota Production System
    • The Agile Development and Infrastructure Movements
    • Exercise: Agile Infrastructure
    • The Continuous Delivery Movement
  • IT Service management and DevOps
  • End Goals of DevOps and CALMS

Part 2: Maturing a DevOps Practice in the Enterprise

  • DevOps and Organizational Culture
  • 2 Patterns You Can Follow
  • The Involvement Principle
    • Information Security Principles
  • Exercise: The Involvement Principle
  • Scaling DevOps in the Enterprise

Part 3: The DevOps Journey - The Three Ways

The First Way: Optimize Flow

  • Principles of Flow
  • Infrastructure As Code
  • Infrastructure Configuration Mgmt and Tools
  • Deployment Pipeline and Tools
  • Shared Version Control and Tools
  • Build Quality In
  • Containerization
  • SOA and Microservices
  • Exercise: Optimizing Flow

The Second Way: Amplify Feedback

  • Principles of Feedback
  • Telemetry Principles
  • System Monitoring Tools
  • Log Aggregation and Tools
  • Use Telemetry to Anticipate Problems
  • Feedback For Safe Deployment of Code
  • Hypothesis-Driven Development
  • Exercise: Amplifying Feedback

The Third Way: Continual Learning and Experimentation

  • Learning Culture
  • Innovation Culture
  • Exercise: Learning and Innovation Culture

Part 4: Course Conclusion

  • Q and A



      Who Should Attend

      • Software Managers and Directors
      • CIOs, CTOs and IT Executives
      • Operations Managers
      • QA/Test Managers
      • Project Managers
      • Release and Configuration Managers
      • Developers and Application Team Leads
      • ScrumMasters
      • Product Owners and Managers