Course Overview
TOPAre you ready to develop a high-performance team and get more done? Resolve team conflict using emotional intelligence and get more from your team by adapting your management style to every situation.
Scheduled Classes
TOP1. The Experience of Being a Manager
- How to get people to want to do what they re supposed to do
- Specific challenges you face when motivating others
2. Values
- Values and their impact on work life
- How values can have productive and non-productive results
- Identify value conflicts in yourself and in others
3. Personal Styles
- Determine your own personal style profile
- Gain insight into the strengths and limitations of your profile
- Use behavioral clues to determine others personal styles
- How to work more effectively with other personal profiles
4. Motivation
- Employee motivation factors and their impact on behaviors and work settings
- How to tailor your motivational efforts to individual employees and different situations
Listening, Body Language, Giving Feedback, and Dealing with Difficult People - Use active listening to gain information and understand employees perspectives
- Effectively apply positive and corrective feedback
- Use appropriate values alignment when dealing with difficult employees
5. Conflict
- The dimensions of conflict resolution
- Identify your own preferred conflict-resolution styles for better conflict management
- Use different conflict resolution styles in different situations
6. Delegation
- Different delegation styles: How and when to use them
- Determine the appropriate delegation style for employees and situations
7. Understanding Organizational Culture and Subculture
- The impact of organizational culture and subculture and cultural blinders
- Explore the assumptions that impact your team s thinking and actions
- Identify and build on the strengths of your team s culture
8. Emotional Intelligence
- The components of emotional intelligence
- Gain an honest and accurate assessment of yourself
- Develop an improvement strategy
9. Ethical Leadership
- Identify your group s values
- Your vision for ethical leadership
10. Action Planning
- Develop a specific plan for applying what you ve learned back on the job
- Identify people who can support your action plans
TOPWho Should Attend
TOPManagers and individuals with management responsibilities whose success depends on managing people successfully through clear communication, a cooperative attitude, and commitment to shared goals.