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Red Hat High Availability Clustering (RH436)

SS Course: GK1290

Course Overview


The intensive, hands-on Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management course covers storage management, the Red Hat High Availability Add-On, and the shared storage technology delivered by Red Hat Global File System 2 (GFS2) and Red Hat Storage Server.

You'll learn how to deploy and manage shared storage and server clusters that provide highly available network services to a mission-critical enterprise environment.


Certificate of Expertise Red Hat Storage Management and Clustering (EX436)
Note: Only current RHCEs can attempt EX436


Scheduled Classes

08/12/24 - RVT - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led
09/30/24 - RVT - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led



1. Clusters and Storage

2. ISCSI Configuration


4. Multipathing

5. Red Hat High-Availability Overview

6. Quorum

7. Fencing

8. Resources and Resource Groups

9. Advanced Resource Management

10. Two-Node Cluster Issues

11. LVM Management

12. Global File System 2

13. XFS

14. Red Hat Storage

15. Comprehensive Review


    • Completion of the RHCE or equivalent knowledge
    • Familiarity with Red Hat Enterprise Linux recommended

      Who Should Attend


      Senior Linux system administrators responsible for maximizing resiliency though high-availability clustering services and using fault-tolerant shared-storage technologies