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Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (RH342)

SS Course: GK1267

Course Overview


Troubleshooting is both an art and a science. It is both an instinct and a technique. In this lab-intensive course, system administrators will learn techniques for troubleshooting a Linux system and how to use the troubleshooting tools available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Through hands-on labs, you will learn or improve your troubleshooting skills and gain additional experience by debugging live, virtualized systems.


Scheduled Classes

08/26/24 - RVT - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led
09/30/24 - RVT - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led
11/18/24 - RVT - Virtual-Instructor Led - Virtual-Instructor Led



1. Being Proactive, Part 1

  • Monitor log files, hardware, and file systems
  • Monitor system and network performance

2. Being Proactive, Part 2

  • Approaches to managing configuration changes and developing a recovery plan

3. Basic Troubleshooting Techniques and Procedures

  • Recovery runlevels and rescue mode
  • Work with advanced GRUB features

4. Hardware Issues

  • Preempting hardware failures (looking for the signs)
  • Protecting against hardware failures
  • Redundant configurations
  • Tools to help identify hardware failures and intermittent problems

5. File System Issues

  • Locate unauthorized changes
  • Audit software
  • File system tuning and repair
  • File recovery

6. Disk Issues

  • Rescuing LVM volumes
  • Maintenance of LUKS-encrypted volumes

7. Networking Issues

  • Manual configuration of network cards
  • Connectivity issues
  • Network diagnostic tools
  • Monitor packets
  • Tune kernel parameters
  • Troubleshoot SAN communication

8. Application Issues

  • Tools and techniques for troubleshooting applications
  • Common application problems and how to solve them

9. Security Issues

  • Working effectively with (and not against) security tools
    • SELinux
    • Authentication
    • Firewall

10. Red Hat Resources

  • Support options
  • Knowledgebase
  • Certified training
  • Initiating support calls
  • Technical account manager support
  • Developer support
  • Bugzilla
  • Support workflow
  • Diagnostic and information-gathering tools


    • Red Hat System Administration I and Red Hat System Administration II
    • RHCSA Rapid Track Course
    • RHCSA certification or equivalent experience
    • System administration knowledge under Red Hat Enterprise Linux, including:
      • Installation
      • Service management (using service and chkconfig, for example)
      • Basic system monitoring (using ps and top and perhaps meminfo and the /proc file system)
      • File system management (using fdisk and mkfs)
      • Basic troubleshooting (including managing log files and perhaps using hardware probing tools, such as ethtool and lspci)

      Who Should Attend


      Linux system administrators who understand installation and configuration of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system and wish to deepen their understanding of troubleshooting on Linux