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Lean IT Management

SS Course: GK111231

Course Overview


Many IT organizations are learning to adopt tools and practices to increase agility, tear down long held silos, and impact the bottom line with rapid deployments and automation as businesses recognize the strength of viewing IT not as a cost center or but as an untapped resource and strategic asset.

Our course, Lean IT Management, offers a comprehensive overview of the Lean principles and culture that underpinned the manufacturing transformation in previous decades and are driving similar leaps and rapid innovation in the current IT marketplace today. Lean IT seeks more than just giving your organization at practical, assessable toolbox. It seeks to turn everyone in your IT organization into continuous problem-solvers; problem-solvers focused on driving solutions that are intricately aligned with your business.


Scheduled Classes




Part 1 A Business Case for Lean IT

  • Why Lean IT?
    • Seeing IT: Asset vs. Cost Center
    • Finding the Customer
    • Misconceptions About Lean and IT
    • Aligning IT with Business Objectives
  • Case Study Review of Lean IT

Part 2 Foundations of Lean

  • Brief History of Lean
    • Early Origins and Toyota
    • Lean and Manufacturing
    • Lean in Healthcare, Government and now IT
  • Essential Principles of Lean
    • Understanding Constancy of Purpose
    • Establishing Respect of People
    • Continuous Improvement and the Pursuit of Perfection
    • Embracing Proactive Behavior
    • Hearing the Voice of the Customer (VOC)
    • Quality at the Source
    • Creating Systems Thinking
    • Flow, Pull, and Just in Time
    • Building a Lean Culture
  • Concept of Value Add
    • Defining the Internal and External Customer
    • How to use VOC to Determine Value
    • Categorizing Value Added Work
    • Flowing in the Value Stream
  • Concept of Waste
    • The Three Ms: Mura, Muri and Muda
    • Uneveness of Demand
    • Overburdened Teams
    • The Seven Types of Wastes
  • Lean Tools
    • Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA)
    • A3 Thinking and the Scientific Method
    • Value Stream Mapping
    • Kaizen as an Execution Tool
    • Kaikaku and Leadership
    • Standardized Work
    • 5S and Visual Workplace

Part 3 Lean IT

  • Traditional IT vs. Lean IT
    • Is One Piece Flow Even Possible?
    • 5S My Desk?
    • Exploring the Manufacturing Analogy
    • Completing the Thought Conversion
  • Lean IT Cosmos Gaining Perspective
    • Agile/Lean Software Development
    • DevOps
    • Kanban
    • Lean Startup
    • Continuous Deployment
    • Lean Project Management
    • Agile Project Management
    • Control Versus Discovery
  • Learning to See Waste in IT
    • Recognizing Information Waste
    • Cost of Poor Data Quality
      • Exercise: Identifying IT Wastes
    • How to Recognize Waste with Metrics
  • Tackling Uneven Demand and Overburdened Teams
    • Understanding Push vs Pull Signals
    • IT Flow, Balance and Agility
    • Recognizing Bottlenecks
    • Determining Demand
    • How Lean IT Eliminates Burnout
    • The Lean Team Structure
  • Visualizing Lean IT Across the IT Spectrum
    • Lean IT and Business Process Improvement
    • Lean Management Systems
    • Lean IT Operations: ITIL and Cloud Computing
    • Lean Software Development
    • Lean Project Management
  • Lean IT Tools
    • A3 Thinking and the 5 Whys
    • Gemba
    • Teamwork
    • Value Stream Mapping
    • Standardized Work
    • Measurement
    • 5S, Workplace Organization
    • Visual Management
    • Cellular Organization
    • Demand Management
    • Strategy Deployment

Part 4 Roadmap for Practical Implementation

  • Transformation Preparation
    • The Role Of Management
    • Define Your Why for Implementation
    • Clarify Your Win: What Success Looks Like
    • Developing and Implementing Strategy and Communication Plans
    • Where to Start First
    • Preparing for Your First Launch
  • Value Added Teams and Leadership
    • Leading with Respect
    • Process vs People
    • DISC Assessments and Trust
    • Activity: DISC Assesment
    • Problem Solving Practice and Training
    • Standups
  • Visual Management
    • Benefits of Visual Management
    • Kanban
    • Gemba and Leadership
    • Practical Ideas for Implementation
  • Change Management Strategies
    • Communication Plan Development
    • Strategies for Buy-in and Other Buzzwords
    • Change Management Mindset
  • Execution
    • Using the Value Stream Map
    • Planning Your First Pilot Kaizen Event
    • Kaizen Oveview PDCA and DMAIC
    • Close, Celebrate? and Repeat
    • Event Timing
    • Case Study Review
  • Metrics, Review and Reporting
    • Establishing a Baseline
    • Measure the Right Things
    • Process and Team Review and Improvement
    • Lean Reporting Strategies
    • Sustaining Gains and Culture Change
  • Lean IT Case Studies



      Who Should Attend

      • Anyone in an IT Leadership role
      • CIOs / CTOs
      • System Administrators and IT Operations Staff
      • Developers and Application Team leads
      • ScrumMasters, Product Owners, Agile teams
      • Software Managers and Team Leads
      • IT Project & Program Managers
      • Release Managers
      • Configuration Engineers