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CCER - Reporting Cisco Contact Center Enterprise v1.0

SS Course: GK101121

Course Overview


Enable Contact Center support teams to access reporting solutions for end-to-end reporting in a CCE deployment.

This course is eligible for 12 Continuing Education Credits (ILT Modality).


Scheduled Classes

08/15/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led



Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Foundations

This lesson provides an overview of Cisco Unified Intelligence Center including the benefits and features of the system. This lesson also describes the high-level architecture of Cisco Unified Intelligence Center in the UCCE environment.

  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center - Basics
  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center - Deployment Models
  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center - Reports
  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center - Data Sources
  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Additional Considerations
  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center - Access
  • Discovery 01-1: Navigate Discovery Architecture and Components
  • Discovery 01-2: Import Base ICM Configuration

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Administration and Operations Console

This lesson introduces the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center administration console to perform Cisco Unified Intelligence Center administrative, maintenance, and provisioning functions.

  • OAMP Console Introduction
  • Admin User Management
  • Device Configuration
  • Log and Trace Settings
  • Control Center Features
  • Cluster Configuration
  • Tool Selections
  • Discovery 02-1: Explore Cisco Unified Intelligence Center OAMP

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Attributes

This lesson discusses the functional attributes of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

  • Stock Reporting
  • Dashboard Features
  • Value Lists and Collections
  • Permalink Features
  • Roles and Permissions Basics
  • Users and Groups Components
  • Report Definitions
  • Discovery 3-01: Work with Stock Reports
  • Discovery 3-02: Work with Dashboards
  • Discovery 3-03: Explore Value Lists and Collections
  • Discovery 3-04: Explore Supervisor Defaults
  • Discovery 3-05: Create a Reports User
  • Discovery 3-06: Use Group Settings

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Custom Reports and Views

This section discusses customizing Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reports and Views.

  • Creating Views
  • Building Report Definitions
  • Generating Custom Reports
  • Discovery 4-01: Edit Report Views
  • Report Definitions and Drilldowns
  • Create Custom RCD Report Definition (Database Query) and Report
  • Explore Value Lists and Drilldowns



      Who Should Attend

      • Sales Engineer
      • Deployment Engineer
      • Project Manager
      • Account Manager