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Stress Management

SS Course: GK100959

Course Overview


This full-day live instructor-led class helps participants to recognize stress, recognize how we place pressure on ourselves, and how to prevent stress from becoming destructive.

We are all aware of the dangers of stress in our lives. How many of us know the signs and symptoms in ourselves, and ways to prevent stress taking over our condition? It is important not only to recognize stress symptoms, but to know how to counteract the signs and regain balance in our lives.


Scheduled Classes

09/11/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
12/12/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led



The Nature of Stress

  • What is Stress?

Energy Flows In the Body

  • Different Types of Energy
  • Releasing Pressure
  • Recognizing Excess Pressures

Managing Change - Individual Transitions

  • Seven Stages of a Transition
  • Transitions - What Research Has Shown

Strokes and Stamps

  • What is a Stroke?
  • Different Types Of Strokes
  • Stamps
  • Feelings
  • How Do We Behave When We Have Bad
  • Feelings?

Drivers, Allowers - Are You Under Stress?

  • What is Stress?
  • Where Does Stress Come From?
  • Relaxation Posture
  • Stress Relievers

Language - Recovering Choices

  • Gathering Information
  • Generalizations
  • Deletions


  • Work Values


  • Current Guidelines to Healthy Eating

Eye Relaxation- Language of the Senses

  • Words and Phrases



      Who Should Attend


      All professionals interested in reducing and overcoming stress at work.