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Appraising Performance

SS Course: GK100945

Course Overview


Appraising Performance is a dynamic live, full-day course that gives you the skills to conduct performance appraisals. You will also be provided with guidelines and best practices for evaluating and improving the work performance of employees, thereby increasing quality and productivity.


Scheduled Classes

09/10/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led



Establishing Performance Expectations

  • Appraise Performance
  • Manage Performance
  • Establish Performance Expectations

Writing a Performance Appraisal

  • Avoid Common Performance Rating Errors
  • Gather Appraisal Information
  • Rate Performance
  • Ensure Legal Compliance

Preparing for the Appraisal Discussion

  • Prepare the Individual
  • Arrange the Logistics
  • Prepare Yourself

Conducting the Performance Appraisal Discussion

  • Discuss Your Ratings and Comments
  • Resolve Performance Problems
  • Cope with Discussion Difficulties
  • Plan for the Future

Following Up

  • Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Appraisal
  • Discussion
  • Communicate Frequently
  • Provide Ongoing Feedback and Coaching



      Who Should Attend


      All professionals who are responsible for appraising the performance of those they manage.