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Cloud Native Operations Bootcamp (CN251)

SS Course: GK100852

Course Overview


Over the course of five days, students will start with learning about first principles for application containerization followed by learning how to stand up a containerized application in Kubernetes, and, finally, ramping up the skills for day-1 operating tasks for managing a Kubernetes production environment. CN251 is an ideal course for those who need to accelerate the development of their IT skills for a rapidly-changing technology landscape.


Scheduled Classes

03/03/25 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
06/02/25 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led




    • At least six months experience in cloud infrastructure administration
    • Familiarity with the Bash shell
    • Filesystem navigation and manipulation
    • Command line text editors like vim or nano
    • Common tooling like curl, wget and ping
    • Familiarity with YAML and JSON notation

      Who Should Attend


      This course is targeted at students with the following:

      • Motivations: Use and manage containers from first principles & architect basic applications for Kubernetes
      • Roles: general technical audiences & IT professionals