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Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (TT4003)

SS Course: GK0394

Course Overview


This course is geared for software developers who need to understand what the latest in web technologies, performance, optimization, user interface design patterns, and best practices. This comprehensive course provides a balanced mixture of theory and practical labs designed to take you through HTML5, CSS3 and related technologies. You will leave this course armed with the new skills to design, implement, and deploy robust, flexible, and safe web applications.


Scheduled Classes

09/03/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
10/28/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
12/18/24 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led



1. HTML5

  • HTML5
    •  HTML5 Design Principles
    •  HTML5 - New Features
    •  HTML5 Semantic Tags
    •  HTML5 Forms - New Features
    •  HTML5 Media
    •  Media API Methods and Events
  • HTML5 JavaScript API
    •  Drag and Drop API
    •  Messaging API
    •  Web Storage API

2. CSS3

  • CSS3 Overview
    •  CSS3 New Features
    •  CSS3 Browser Support
    •  CSS3 Selectors Support
    •  CSS3 Properties Support
  • CSS3 Advanced Selectors
    •  Attribute Selectors
    •  Combinators
    •  Pseudo-Class Selectors
    •  UI Selectors
  • CSS3 Visual Effects
    •  2D Transformations
    •  Transitions
    •  Font and Color in CSS3
    •  Border and Other Effects

3. Exploring JavaScript

  • JavaScript Basics
    • Identifiers and literals
    • Loop Structures
    • Iteration
    • Conditional Structures
  • JavaScript Functions
    • Functions in JavaScript
    • Invoking Functions
    • Function Constructor
    • Function Scope and Closures
  • JavaScript Objects
    • JavaScript Literals
    • JavaScriptArrays
    • String Objects
    • JavaScript and Regular Expressions
  • JavaScript Classes
    • Classes as Functions or Functions as Classes
    • Prototypes
    • Extending Classes With Prototype
    • Reusable, Flexible Classes
  • JavaScript Event Handling
    • Basic Event Handling
    • Handling HTML Events
    • DOM 2 Event Propagation: Three Phases
    • InnerHTML



      Who Should Attend


      Experienced web developers who need to extend their knowledge of web design and development using the latest technologies and skills